医学 . 影印版 原版(2)

☉ 《卡萨瑞特·道尔毒理学(英文版)》
(美)克莱艾森(Curtis D.Klaassen) 著 人民卫生出版社 2002-4-1
Contributors Preface Preface to the First Edition UNIT 1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TOXICOLOGY 1 History and Scope of Toxicology 2 Principles of Toxicology 3 Mechanisms of Toxicity 4 Risk Assessment UNIT 2 DISPOSITION OF TOXICANTS 5 Absorption,Distribution,and Excretion fo Toxicants 6 Biotransformation of Xenobiotics 7 Toxicokinetics UNIT 3 NOT-ORGAN-DIRECTED TOXICITY 8 Chemical Carcinogenesis…… UNIT 4 TARGET ORGAN TOXICITY UNIT 5 TOXIC AGENTS UNIT 6 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY UNIT 7 APPPLICATIONS OF TOXICOLOGY Appendix:Recommended Limits for Occupational Exposure to Chemicals Index...查看详细

☉ 《凯利风湿病学(英文原版)(1.2)》
(美)路迪 著 人民卫生出版社 2002-8-1
More than 20 years ago, in the preface to the first edition of the Textbook of Rheumatology, we suggested that "The field of rheumatology has come of age." What we meant was that rheumatology had shed its strictly empirical base and its host of unproven remedies and become a healing discipline thoroughly grounded in science. We thought it was time for a new textbook, one that reflected this passage through epistemological puberty. The sixth edition reflects the maturation of rheumatology as a subspecialty. It is instructive to compare the contents of the first and sixth editions. Many chapters have disappeared entirely, and their material has been condensed and incorporated into existing chapters. Consider, for example, that in the basic science section of the first edition we devoted entire chapters to immunoglobulin structure, the contact activation system, and lysosomes (not to mention purine metabolism, a subject dear to the heart of the then senior editor). Cyclic nucleotides and eosinophilic chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis figured prominently in the titles of other basic science chapters. None of these has a place in the Table of Contents of the current edition. Instead, there are chapters dealing with dendritic cells, leukotrienes, mast cells, nitric oxide, fibroblasts, cytokines, and apoptosis. The importance of these topics to understanding the rheumatic diseases was unknown 20 years ago, and some of them hadn't even been discovered! Who can imagine what the scientific basis of rheumatology will be in the 10th edition, 20 years from now? Surely, knowledge obtained from the working through of the human genome will figure prominently. VOLUME 1 Section 1 BIOLOGY OF THE NORMAL JOINT 1. BIOLOGY OF THE NORMAL JOINT 2. COLLAGEN AND ELASTIN 3. MATRIX GLYCOPROTEINS,PROTEOGLYCANS,AND CARTILAGE 4. PROTEINASES AND MATRIX DEGRADATION 5. BIOMECHANICS OF JOINTS Section 2 IMMUNE AND INFLAMMATORY RESPONSES 6. MACROPHAGES,DENDRITIC CELLS,AND FOLLICULAR DENDRITIC CELLS 7. GENETICS OF RHEUMATIC DISEASES 8. T LYMPHOCYTES 9. B CELLS 10. RHEUMATOID FACTOR 11. ANTINUCLEAR ANTIBODIES 12. IMMUNE COMPLEXES 13. COMPLEMENT 14. NEUTROPHILS AND EOSINOPHILS 15. PROSTAGLANDINS,LEUKOTRIENES,AND RELATED COMPOUNDS 16. THE MAST CELL 17. ENDOTHELIAL CELLS AND NITRIC OXIDE 18. PLATELETS 19. FIBROBLAST FUNCTION AND FIBROSIS 20. CYTOKINES 21. APOPTOSIS 22. AUTOMMUNITY Section 3 EVALUATION OF THE PATIENT 23. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES 24. EVIDENCE-BASED RHEUMATOLOGY 25. EXAMINATION OF THE JOINTS 26. MONARTICULAR ARTHRITIS 27. POLYARTICULAR ARTHRITIS 28. WEAKNESS 29. THE EYE AND RHEUMATIC DISEASE 30. THE SKIN Section 4 MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN AND EVALUATION 31. FIBROMYALGIA 32. OCCUPATIONAL AND RECREATIONAL MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS 33. SPORTS MEDICINE 34. NECK PAIN 35. SHOULDER PAIN 36. LOW BACK PAIN 37. HIP AND KNEE PAIN 38. ANKLE AND FOOT PAIN 39. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT PAIN 40. HAND AND WRIST PAIN Section 5 DIAGNOSTIC TESTS AND PROCEDURES 41. ASPIRATION AND INJECTION OF JOINTS AND SOFT TISSUES 42. SYNOVIAL FLUID ANALYSIS AND SYNOVIAL BIOPSY 43. IMAGING 44. ARTHROSCOPY AND SYNOVECTOMY 45. LABORATORY EVALUATION OF INFLAMMATION 46. BIOLOGIC MARKERS Section 6 SPECIAL ISSUES 47. NUTRITION AND RHEUMATIC DISEASES 48. PSYCHOSOCIAL MANAGEMENT OF RHEUMATIC DISEASES 49. GERIATRICS AND THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES 50. ALTERNATIVE CARE FOR ARTHRITIS AND RELATED MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASES 51. CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT 52. REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATIC DISEASES 53. HEALTH OUTCOME ASSESSMENT Section 7 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 54. DEVELOPING A CLINICAL TRIAL DESIGN 55. NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS 56. GLUCOCORTICOIDS 57. METHOTREXATE 58. SULFASALAZINE 59. ANTIMALARIAL DRUGS 60. GOLD AND PENICILLAMINE 61. IMMUNOREGULATORY DRUGS 62. BIOLOGIC AGENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS 63. TETRACYCLINES INDEX VOLUME 2 Section 8 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Section 9 SPONDYLOARTHROPATHIES Section 10 SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS AND RELATED SYNDROMES Section 11 VASCULITIC SYNDROMES Section 12 SCLERODERMA AND MIXED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES Section 13 STRUCTURE,FUNCTION,AND DISEASE OF MUSCLE Section 14 RHEUMATIC DISEASES OF CHILDHOOD Section 15 CRYSTAL-ASSOCIATED SYNOVITIS Section 16 OSTEOARTHRITIS,POLYCHONDRITIS,AND HERITABLE DISORDERS Section 17 ARTHRITIS RELATED TO INFECTION Section 18 ARTHRITIS ACCOMPANYING SYSTEMIC DISORDERS Section 19 DISORDERS OF BONE AND STRUCTURAL PROTEIN Section 20 TUMORS INVOLVING JOINTS Section 21 RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY FOR RHEUMATIC DISEASE INDEX...查看详细
☉ 《凯氏内科学(上下卷)全英文影印版》
(美)休姆斯(Humes,H.D.) 编著 天津科技翻译出版公司 2002-6-1
本书是一部面向21世纪的内科学巨著,内容翔实丰富,观点新颖,结构严谨,论述全面系统,突出介绍了现代内科学新知识、新理论、新技术及新方法,符合当前实际工作的需要,具有学术和应用双重价值。当代的医学一方面在掌握与了解病程复杂多变方面向医师们提出了挑战,但另一方面也为医师提供了快速诊断和循证治疗方法。《凯氏内科学》为广大临床医师们了解病程和进行临床介入资料及做出决策提供了一些方法,把疾病的病理生理学与临床医学实践密切地结合本书第四版的问世,足以说明其临床应用的价值,本书无疑为国内内科学领域提供了国际上最新的前沿资料。 编著者 前言 图表 速查指南 第1篇 医疗实践原则 第1部分 人道主义和伦理观 第2部分 健康和疾病的基础机制 第3部分 公共初级保健问题的研究 第4部分 临床评估的原则 第5部分 相关的医疗学科 第6部分 选择性急症医学 第2篇 心脏病学 第1部分 心血管病病人的处理 第2部分 心血管系统疾病 第3部分 心血管疾病的诊断和治疗方式 第3篇 胃肠病学 第1部分 消化及肝胆系统紊乱病人的处理 第2部分 消化道疾病 第3部分 胰腺、肝脏和胆道系统疾病 第4部分 消化和肝胆系统疾病的诊断和治疗方式 第4篇 肾脏病学 第1部分 肾和电解质功能紊乱病人的处理 第2部分 肾脏疾病 第3部分 肾脏疾病和电解质紊乱的诊断和治疗方式 第5篇 风湿性疾病、变应性疾病和皮肤病 第1部分 风湿性疾病和变应性疾病患者的治疗 第2部分 风湿性和变态反应性系统的疾病 第3部分 风湿性疾病和变态反应性疾病的诊断和治疗方式 皮肤病学 第1部分 皮肤病患者的治疗 第2部分 皮肤系统的疾病 第3部分 皮肤病的诊断和治疗方式 第6篇 肿瘤学和血液学 第1部分 肿瘤和血液病患者的治疗 第2部分 肿瘤学和血液学疾病 第3部分 肿瘤和血液病的诊断和治疗方式 第7篇 传染病和艾滋病 第1部分 传染病患者的治疗 第2部分 传染病 细菌性感染 分枝杆菌感染 螺旋体感染 由真菌和高等微生物引起的感染 立克次体感染 支原体和衣原体感染 病毒性感染 寄生虫感染 第3部分 传染病诊断和治疗方式 人免疫缺陷病毒和艾滋病 第1部分 HIV感染患者的治疗 第2部分 HIV感染性疾病 第3部分 处理、预防和控制 第8篇 肺部和重症护理医学 第9篇 内分泌学、新陈代谢和遗传学 第10篇 神经病学 第11篇 老年病学...查看详细

☉ 《坎贝尔骨科手术学 全套四册 英文影印版》
[美]S.Terry Canale 科学出版社 2001-1-1
本书在传统和风格的基础上,对新的骨科手术步骤进行详尽描述,并以专题形式对不同类型手术加以评估和探讨,以供读者在临床实践时进行选择。 本书在传统和风格的基础上,对新的骨科手术步骤进行详尽描述,并以专题形式对不同类型手术加以评估和探讨,以供读者在临床实践时进行选择。...查看详细
☉ 《临床急症学(英文原版)》
James R.Roberts 编著 人民卫生出版社 2001-8-1
"The textbook offers the reader the well-referenced clinical rationale for procedures, alternative methods where appropriate, and potential complications with advice on how to avoid them. " SECTION Ⅰ Respiratory Procedures CHAPTER 1 Basic Airway Management and Decision-Making CHAPTER 2 Tracheal Intubation CHAPTER 3 Pharmacologic Adjuncts to Intubation CHAPTER 4 Cricothyrotomy and Translaryngeal Jet Ventilation CHAPTER 5 Tracheostomy Care and Tracheal Suctioning CHAPTER 6 Noninvasive Assessment and Supoort of Oxygenation and Ventilation CHAPTER 7 Mechanical Ventilation CHAPTER 8 Thoracentesis CHAPTER 9 Tube Thoracostomy SECTION Ⅱ Cardiac Procedures CHAPTER 10 Cardiosinus Massage/Cardioversion CHAPTER 11 Defibrillation CHAPTER 12 Assessment of Implanted Pacemaker/AICD Devices CHAPTER 13 Emergency Transvenous Cardiac Pacing CHAPTER 14 Emergency Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing CHAPTER 15 Pericardiocentesis and Intracardiac Injections CHAPTER 16 Artificial Perfusion During Cardiac Arrest CHAPTER 17 Resuscitative Thoracotomy SECTION Ⅲ Vascular Techniques and Volume Support CHAPTER 18 Pediatric Vascular Access and Blood Sampling Techniques CHAPTER 19 Arterial Puncture and Cannulation CHAPTER 20 Peripheral Intravenous Access CHAPTER 21 Guide-Wire(Seldinger)Technique for Catheter Insertion CHAPTER 22 Venous Cutdown…… SECTION Ⅳ Anesthetic and Analgesic Techniques SECTION Ⅴ Soft Tissue Procedures SECTION Ⅵ Gastrointestinal Procedures SECTION Ⅶ Musculoskeletal Procedures SECTION Ⅷ Genitourinary Procedures SECTION Ⅸ Obstetric and Gynecologic Procedures SECTION Ⅹ Neurologic Procedures SECTION Ⅺ Ophthalmologic, Otolaryngologic, and Dental Procedures SECTION Ⅻ Vital Sign Measurement SECTION XⅢ Special Procedures Index...查看详细
☉ 《临床神经病学4英文原版》
 人民卫生出版社 2000-8-1...查看详细
☉ 《临床影像诊断指南》
张雪林 主编 科学出版社 2006-2-1
本书编写不同于以往的教材和参考书,列举大量临床影像资料并辅以提纲式文字说明,对临床各科疾病的影像特点进行系统阐述。经试用,这种形式对影像教学颇有帮助,而且也受到临床各科医师的欢迎。 书中图片均经临床诊治中随访证实,希望能起到“看图识字”的作用。 本书适合医学院校学生和各科临床医师学习、参考。 第一章 中枢神经系统 第一节 检查方法 一、颅脑 二、脊髓 第二节 正常影像解剖 一、颅脑 二、脊髓 第三节 基本病变的影像学表现 一、颅脑 二、椎管内肿瘤的基本X线征象 第四节 颅内肿瘤 一、星形细胞瘤 二、少突胶质细胞瘤 三、室管膜瘤 四、髓母细胞瘤 五、脑膜瘤 六、听神经瘤 七、三叉神经瘤 八、生殖细胞瘤 九、表皮样囊肿 十、血管母细胞瘤 十一、颅咽管瘤 十二、颅内脊索瘤 十三、垂体腺瘤 十四、脑转移瘤 第五节 脑血管疾病 一、脑动脉闭塞性脑梗死 二、脑出血 三、蛛网膜下腔出血 四、动静脉畸形 五、颅内动脉瘤…… 第六节 颅脑外伤 第七节 颅内感染性疾病 第八节 脱髓鞘疾病 第九节 颅脑先天畸形及发育障碍 第十节 脊髓疾病 第二章 头颈部 第一节 眼和眼眶 第二节 耳部 第三节 鼻和鼻窦 第四节 咽部 第五节 喉部 第六节 口腔颌面部 第七节 颈部 第三章 呼吸系统 第四章 循环系统 第五章 消化系统 第六章 泌尿系统与肾上腺 第七章 生殖系统与乳腺 第八章 骨、关节与软组织 索引...查看详细
☉ 《临床肿瘤学(第三版)(英文影印版)(附CD-ROM光盘一张)》
(美)伦哈德 著 上海科学技术出版社 2003-6-1
该书为全英文影印本。总体介绍癌症的统计和趋势、病因、预防、诊断和治疗。分别介绍肺癌,结、直肠癌,胰腺、胆囊和肝外胆管肿瘤,肝癌,胃癌,食管癌,恶性色素瘤,泌尿生殖系统癌症,甲状旁腺和甲状腺肿瘤,中枢神经系统肿瘤,软组织肿瘤,血液肿瘤,妇科肿瘤,爱滋病相关肿瘤,疼痛治疗,癌症病人精神并发症等。 该书是American Cancer Society的关于临床肿瘤的最新版本,具有内容新、权威性强的特点,选择的病例图片典型清晰,并配有一张图片光盘。该书在美国肿瘤界有较好的影响。此书前一版曾被上海科学技术出版社翻译成中文出版发行,有较好的反响。 1 Measuring the occurrence of cancer:impact and statistics 2 Principles of cancer biology 3 Cancer etiology 4 cancer prevention:strategies for practice 5 Cancer detection 6 Pathologic evaluation of neoplastic diseas 7 General approach to cancer patients 8 Basis for current major cancer therapies 9 complications of cancer and cancer treatment 10 breast cancer 11 lung cancer 12 head and neck cancer 13 esophageal cancer 14 gastric cancer 15 Colorectal cancer 16 T umors of the pancereas,gallbladder,and bile ducts 17 Liver cancer 18 Urologic and male genital cancer 19 Gynecologic cancer 20 Hodkin's disease and the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas 21 Multiple myeloma and other plasma cell dyscrasias 22 Leukemia 23 Malignant melanoma 24 Basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer 25 Pediatric solid tumors 26 Sarcomas of soft tissue and bone 27 cancer of the thyroid and parathyroid glands 28 cancer of the central nervous system and pituitary gland 29 Malignant tumors of the dye 30 Metatic cancer from an unknown primary site 31 paraneoplastic and endocrine syndromes 32 Cancer-Related emergencies 33 Effective pain treatment in cancer patients 34 Nutrition and the cancer patient 35 rehabilitation and survivorship 36 psychiatric complications in cancer patients 37 fertility and sexuality after cancet treatment 38 Complementary and alternative therapies 39 clinical trials...查看详细

☉ 《麻醉学 英文影印版 第三版》
英. 科学出版社 1999-9-1...查看详细
☉ 《美国医生执照考试(二)胸腔放射学(英文原版)》
(美)阿里 等编著 人民卫生出版社 2001-12-1
美国医生执照考试共分三部分,美国医生执照考试(一)即考试以基础医学为主,如解剖、生理、病理、药理、生化等;美国医生执照考试(二)即考试以临床医学为主,如内科、外科、妇产科、儿科、物理诊断、神经病、精神病等;美国医生执照考试(三)即试题只为美国 Preface Acknowledgments 1 SOLITARY PULMONARY NODULE Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 2 MULTIPLE PULMONARY NODULES Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 3 LUNG MASSES Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 4 CAVITARY LESIONS Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 5 HYPERLUCENT LUNG Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 6 CYSTS AND CYSTIC-APPEARING LESIONS Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 7 DIFFUSE INTERSTITIAL DISEASE Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 8 DIFFUSE AIRSPACE DISEASE Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 9 FOCAL AIRSPACE HOMOGENEOUS OPACITIES Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 10 FOCAL AIRSPACE NONHOMOGENEOUS OPACITIES Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 11 UNILATERAL COMPLETE OPACIFICATI Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 12 PLEURAL DISEASE Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 13 PULMONARY VASCULAR DISEASE Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 14 MEDIASTINAL COMPARTMENTS Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 15 CARDIAC AND PERICARDIAL DISEASE Questions Discussions,Answers,and Explanations 16 CHEST WALL AND SKELETAL DEEORMITIES 17 DIAPHRAGMATIC LESIONS 18 LINES/DEVICES/COMPLICATIONS IN ICU 19 PEDIATRIC CASES 20 LUNG TRANSPLANT PATIENTS Glossary Abbreviations Quick Reference Suggested Reading...查看详细
☉ 《美国医生执照考试(一).神经科学》
(美)西格 编著 人民卫生出版社 2001-12-1
美国医生执照考试共分三部分,美国医生执照考试(一)即考试以基础医学为主,如解剖、生理、病理、药理、生化等;美国医生执照考试(二)即考试以临床医学为主,如内科、外科、妇产科、儿科、物理诊断、神经病、精神病等;美国医生执照考试(三)即试题只为美国国内医学生使用。国际上,只使用第一和第二部分考试。 为了满足中国医学生和医生的需求,人民卫生出版社将陆续引进了“美国医生执照考试”的第一和第二分部系列考试丛书英文版最新版本。这套系列考试丛书不仅为有志于参加美国医生执照考试的中国医学生和医生提供帮助,更为广大的医学生和医务工作者比较中美医学教育和自己掌握的知识提供了参考。同时...查看详细
☉ 《美国医生执照考试(一):生理学(英文版)》
(美)赖恩 等编著 人民卫生出版社 2002-1-1
美国医生执照考试共分三部分,美国医生执照考试(一)即考试以基础医学为主,如解剖、生理、病理、药理、生化等;美国医生执照考试(二)即考试以临床医学为主,如内科、外科、妇产科、儿科、物理诊断、神经病、精神病等;美国医生执照考试(三)即试题只为美国国内医学生使用。国际上,只使用第一和第二部分考试。 为了满足中国医学生和医生的需求,人民卫生出版社将陆续引进了“美国医生执照考试”的第一和第二分部系列考试丛书英文版最新版本。这套系列考试丛书不仅为有志于参加美国医生执照考试的中国医学生和医生提供帮助,更为广大的医学生和医务工作者比较中美医学教育和自己掌握的知识提供了参考。同时...查看详细
☉ 《美国医生执照考试(一)药理学(英文版)》
(美)斯德恩 编著 人民卫生出版社 2001-12-1
美国医生执照考试共分三部分,美国医生执照考试(一)即考试以基础医学为主,如解剖、生理、病理、药理、生化等;美国医生执照考试(二)即考试以临床医学为主,如内科、外科、妇产科、儿科、物理诊断、神经病、精神病等;美国医生执照考试(三)即试题只为美国国内医学生使用。国际上,只使用第一和第二部分考试。 为了满足中国医学生和医生的需求,人民卫生出版社将陆续引进了“美国医生执照考试”的第一和第二分部系列考试丛书英文版最新版本。这套系列考试丛书不仅为有志于参加美国医生执照考试的中国医学生和医生提供帮助,更为广大的医学生和医务工作者比较中美医学教育和自己掌握的知识提供了参考。同时...查看详细
☉ 《免疫学与血液病学:第二版(英文)》
SECOND EDITION,Datta,Mirpuri,Patel 著 上海世界图书出版公司 2003-9-1
本书新版作了全面的更新并将免疫学与血液病学作为两个独立的部分。每一个部分都采用了整合的模式,将组织学、生理学与药理学相结合,然后概述免疫系统和血液系统的基本病理学,列举主要的常见病及检查主诉。本书涵盖了这两个领域的最新进展,包括免疫的分子机制、重组DNA技术的临床应用及HIV的治疗。由选择题、简答题和问答题组的第三部分则能让你在学完本课程以后评估你取得的进步和你的水平。 不要惊慌!快速医学教程——现在你终于拥有了梦寐以求的完美系列教程!你曾经因为熬夜而错过第二天的早课吗?你曾经因为谢入课堂的阳光而分散了注意力吗?如果你无法作一个完整的课堂笔记——现在有了快速医学教程...查看详细
☉ 《内分泌病理学 英文原版》
(美)利沃斯 著 人民卫生出版社 2002-8-1
☉ 《内分泌与生殖系统:第二版(英文)》
SECOND EDITION,Datta,Mirpuri,Patel 著 上海世界图书出版公司 2003-9-1
本书第一部分讲述内泌和生殖系统的基础医学,其特点是将结构、功能与基本病理学相结合。每一章都采用了整合形式,包括解剖学、胚胎学、组织学、生理学与药理学,然后又列举了常见的内分泌与生殖紊乱以及鉴别诊断。第二部分则通过对现有内分泌和生殖系统主诉患者的的临床分析,将基础知识与临床应用加以整合,包括内分泌和生殖疾病最常见的主诉,如何采集病史、体检、与患者的沟通技巧及进步的诊断方案。由选择题、简答题和问答题组成的第三部分则能让你俩在学完本课程以后评估你取得的进步和你的水平。 不要惊慌!快速医学教程——现在你终于拥有了梦寐以求的完美系列教程!你曾经因为熬夜而错过第二天的早课吗?你曾经因为谢入课堂的阳光而分散了注意力吗?如果你无法作一个完整的课堂笔记——现在有了快速医学教程...查看详细

☉ 《内科学 风暴式医学教程 (原版英文)》
英. 科学出版社 2002-2-1
☉ 《皮肤病学--英汉对照医学读物》
祝兆如 上海科技教育出版社 1998-8-1...查看详细
☉ 《人类胚胎学(英文原版)》
(美)拉森 著 人民卫生出版社 2002-10-1
1 cametogenesis,fertilization,an the irst week origin ofthe gem line meiosis;gametogenesis in the male and female;the menstrual cycle;fertilization;cleavage clinical applications chromosomal anomalies,contraceptive techniques and strategies of assisted reproduction expermental principles genetic regulation of germ cell formation,proliferation,mi-gration,and developme 2 the second week development of the bilaminar germ disc and establish-ment of the uteroplacental circulation clinical applications hydatidiform mole experimental principles genomic lmprinting 3 the third week castrulation,formation of the trilaminar germ disc,and lnitial development of the somites and neural tube clinical applications abnormal gastrulation experimental priciples regulation of deve lopment by cascades of gene expression 4 the fourth week differentiation of the somites and the nervous system;segmental evelopment and lntegration clinical applications malformations of neural tube closure experimental principles segmentation of the paraxial mesoderm 5 development of the peripheral nervous system lntegration of the developing nervous system;lnnerva-tion of motor and sensory end organs clinical applications hirschsprung s diseaes:a congenital defect of neural crest migration experimental principles experimental studies of the neural 6 embryoic folding 7 development of the heart 8 development of the vasculature 9 development of the gastrointetinal tract 10 development of the urogenital system 11 development of the limbs 12 development of the the head,the neck the eyes,and the ears 13 development of the brain and cranial nerves 14 development of the lntegumentary system 15 fetal development and the fetus as patient clossary index...查看详细
☉ 《人体解剖学:第二版(英文)》
SECOND EDITION,Dykes,Ameerally 著 上海世界图书出版公司 2003-9-1
本书通过一种易于理解而又简明的形式让读者了解人体解剖学。首先,定义了解剖术语和基本结构,接着详细论述了上肢、胸腔、腹腔、骨盆、阴部、下肢、头颈部、背部。全书注重解剖学的临床应用,与临床相关的要点整合入课文,体表解剖学也与临床体验相结合。由选择题、简答题和问答题组成的第三部分则能让你在学完本课程以后评估你取得的进步和你的水平。 不要惊慌!快速医学教程——现在你终于拥有了梦寐以求的完美系列教程!你曾经因为熬夜而错过第二天的早课吗?你曾经因为谢入课堂的阳光而分散了注意力吗?如果你无法作一个完整的课堂笔记——现在有了快速医学教程,一切都不必担心了。 在教授指导下...查看详细
☉ 《神经科学 第二版 影印版 配盘》
☉ 《神经网络的综合基础(第2版)英文原版》
Simon Haykin 清华大学出版社 2001-1-1
本书详细分析了最知名的人工神经网络(ANN)模型,对它们进行了富有成果的比较,尤其注意从系统论和统计学的角度分析问题。 1,Introduction 2,Learning processes 3,single layer perceptrons 4,Multiayer perceptrons 5,Redial-Basis function networks 6,support vector machines 7,committee machines 8,principal components Analysis 9,self-organizing maps 10,information-theoretic models 11,stochastic machines and their approximates rooted in statistical mechanics 12,Neurodynamic programming 13,Temporal processing using feedforward networks 14,neurodynamics 15,Dynamically driven recurrent networks...查看详细
☉ 《神经系统:第二版(英文)》
SECOND EDITION,Roach,Benyon 著 上海世界图书出版公司 2003-9-1
本书首先引领你学习神经系统的基础知识。每章都采用了整合形式,即将解剖学、胚胎学、组织学、生理学与药理学加以综合。然后概述了神经系统的基本病理学,并列举一些主要疾病及其主诉。第二部分则通过对现有神经系统主诉患者的临术分析,将基础知识与临床应用加以整合,包括神经疾病最常见的主诉,如何采集病史、体检、与患者的沟通技巧及进一步的诊断方案。由选择题、简答题和问题组成的第三部分则能让你在学完本课程以后评估你取得的进步和你的水平。 不要惊慌!快速医学教程——现在你终于拥有了梦寐以求的完美系列教程!你曾经因为熬夜而错过第二天的早课吗?你曾经因为谢入课堂的阳光而分散了注意力吗?如果你无法作一个完整的课堂笔记——现在有了快速医学教程...查看详细
☉ 《神经系统及特殊感觉(风暴式医学教程)(英文影印版)》
 科学出版社 1900-1-1...查看详细
☉ 《神经系统急症 英文影印版》
(美)克鲁兹 主编 科学出版社 2001-1-1
本书由美国费城Allegheny大学神经外科JulioCruz教授主编,有来自美国、德国、法国、巴西、意大利、日本等国家的54位学者参加编写。全书阐述了神经系统常见的和不常发生的急症,以及在CCU中监护的问题,着重研究了病人的稳定、长程监护及康复,并且有专门章节探讨神经系统急症的护理问题。 本书可供神经内科、神经外科医生阅读,亦可供医学院校研究生使用。 Color plates follow page xv 1 Initial Evaluation and Management of Neuroemergencies Patti L Peterson MD Brian J ONeil MD Anthony L Alcantara MD Daniel B Michael MD PhD 2 Acufe Respiratory Failure in Neuroemergencies C William Hanson III MD 3 Cardiovascular Disorders Related to Neuroemergencies J Javier Prouencio MD Thomas R Bleck MD 4 Acute Seizure Disorders Mark M Stecker MD PhD Peter B Crino MD PhD JUfD 5 Infectious and Parasitic Emergencies of the Central Nervous System Dennis L Kelson MD PhD Daniel T Laskowitz MD 6 Neuroemergencies During Pregnancy Scott E Kasner MD Eric C Raps MD Steven L Galetta MD 7 Neuro-Ophthalmologic Emergencies Daniel T Laskowitz MD Steven L Galetta MD Eric C Raps MD 8 Acute Stroke Management Gwendolyn F Ford-Lynch MD Thomas P Bleck MD 9 Parasurgical Management of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage David J Longer MD Eric L Zager MD Eugene S Flamm MD 10 Surgical Management of Spontaneous Intracranial Hemorrhage Eric L Zager MD Eugene S Flamm MD 11 Cervicocerebral Interventional Neuroradiology Robert W Hurst MD 12 Pediatric Neuroemergencies With Intracranial Hypertension Derek A Bruce MB ChB 13 Acute Neuromuscular Diseases Alberto A Gabbai MD Acary S B Oliveira MD Ayrton R Massaro MD Suzana M R Malheiros MD 14 Traumatic Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System Madjid Sarnii MD Gotz Penkert MD 15 Acute Spinal Disorders Paul J Marcotte BSc MD Ellen G Shaver MD Robert J Weil MD 16 Severe Acute Brain Trauma Julio Cruz MD PhD Giulio Minoja MD Cristina Mattioli MD Werther B de Carualho MD Marie-Edith Petitjean MD Etienne Marguinaud MD Kazuo Okuchi MD Riccardo Massei MD 17 Intracranial Tumor Emergencies Matthew F Philips MD Kevin D Judy MD 18 Pituitary Emergencies John R Vender MD Thomas A Gennarelli MD 19 Neuroemergency Nursing Kathy Paulik Ramson MSN RN CCRN Ann Marie Angelucci MSN RN CCRN Robin Haskell MSN RN CRNP CCRN Rosemary Kennedy BSN RN CCRN Eileen Maloney-Wilensky BSN RN CCRN CNRN Marguerite Phillips BSN RN Kristin M Sagedy BSN RN CCRN Diane Schretzman MSN RN CNRN Rlw 11 20 Neurorehabilitation M Elizabeth Sandel MD Keith M Robinson MD Gary Goldberg MD Virginia Graziani MD Linda J Michaud MD JLD Index...查看详细
☉ 《神经肿瘤最新进展(精装:英文版)》
Primary human central nervous system tumors represent an incredibly difficult clinical challenge.at one time the obstacles to clinical treatment seemed so overwhelming that there were many who felt that basic research into the biology of human brain tumors was likely to be unrewarding. Primary human central nervous system tumors represent an incredibly difficult clinical challenge.at one time the obstacles to clinical treatment seemed so overwhelming that there were many who felt that basic research into the biology of human brain tumors was likely to be unrewarding. Dedication Special Dedication to Dr.Harry M.Zimmerman Introduction Contributors Section 1 Basic Science Section 2 Diagnosis Section 3 Therapy 媒体评论...查看详细
☉ 《肾及泌尿系统:第二版(英文)》
SECOND EDITION,Datta,Mirpuri,Patel 著 世界图书出版公司 2003-9-1
本书首先引领你学习肾及泌尿系统的基础知识。每章都采用了整合形式,即将解剖学、胚胎学、组织学、生理学与药理学加以综合。然后概述了肾及泌尿系统的基本病理学,并列举一些主要疾病及其主诉。第二部分则通过对现有肾及泌尿系统主诉患者的临床分析,将基础知识与临床应用加以整合,包括肾及泌尿疾病最常见的主诉,如何采集病史、体检、与患者的沟通技巧及进一步的诊断方案。由选择题、简答题和问答题组成的第三部分则能让你在学完本课程以后估你取得的进步和你水平。 不要惊慌!快速医学教程——现在你终于拥有了梦寐以求的完美系列教程!你曾经因为熬夜而错过第二天的早课吗?你曾经因为谢入课堂的阳光而分散了注意力吗?如果你无法作一个完整的课堂笔记——现在有了快速医学教程...查看详细
☉ 《生物制药业--哈佛商学院案例精选集(英文影印版)实务系列》
R·H·海伊斯等 编写 中国人民大学出版社 2002-9-1
Welcome to this entry in the From the Field Series of case collections from HBS Publishing.We have three main objectives for this series: To enrich readers'understanding of business by presenting coherent collections of fieldbased research published by Harvard Business School.Understanding business involves much more than earnings reports and news headlines.It means understanding how managers perceive and analyze the complex challenges their companies face and the strategies and tactics they devise in ersponse.For nearly a centry HBS has been researching the world of managers form inside companies and delivering their stories to facilitate superior teaching and learning.You won't find easy answers or quik fixes in these cases,but you will discover balanced,detailed pictures of industries,markets,and technologies,and the intelligetn professionals who-like you-are trying to cope with them. Each item in this collection has been chosen because it reveals it reveals important elements that shape today's biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.Each of the seven items is introduced with a summary and followed by a set of "Questions and Ideas to Consider"that we hope will drive you to the Internet for more research! The Pharma Giants:Ready for the 21 Century? Eli Lilly: The Evista Project Merck-Medco:Vertical Integration in the Pharmaceutical Industry Novartis:Betting on Life Sciences Biopure Corporation Millenium Pharmaceuticals,Inc,(A) From Mananing Pills to Managing Brands 媒体评论...查看详细
☉ 《实验病理性痛(从分子到脑功能)(精)》
陈军 编著 科学出版社 2004-1-1
Experimental Pathological Pain: From Molecules to Brain Functions is the first academic monograph of English version introducing advancing knowledge about pain mechanisms and its control published by the Chinese publishers. The book is composed of 3 parts (22 chapters): (1) Neurobiology of pathological pain; (2) Neuromodulation of pathological pain and motor dysfunctions; (3) Neuroimaging of experimental human pain. It mainly concentrates on the underlying mechanisms and control strategies of experimental pathological pain with the contents ranging from molecular basis to brain functions and from animals to human beings. The book will be useful to scientific researchers, clinicians, graduate and undergraduate students in the fields of biology, basic medicine and clinical medicine to get good understanding about advances in the study of pain and its management. List of Contributing Authors Foreword Ⅰ Foreword Ⅱ Preface Acknowledgments Part Ⅰ Neurobiology of Pathological Pain 1.Genetic Basis of Pain Induction and Modulation 2.Gene Expression in Naturopathic Pain Models 3.Peripheral Mechanisms and Modulation in Inflammatory Pain 4.A Contribution of Dorsal Root Reflexes to Neutrogenic Inflammation and Pain 5.Signal Molecules and Receptors in Primary Afferent Components of Nociceptive Processing and Plastic Changes 6.The Bee Venom Test:A Novel Useful Animal Model for Study of Spinal Coding and Processing of Pathological Pain Information 7.Trigeminal Mechanisms of Orofacial Pain 8.Application of Abult Rat Spinal Slice Patch-clamp Recording Technique in the Study of Nociceptive Transmission and Modulation 9.Temporal Firing Patterns and Responsiveness of Injured Sensory Neurons 10.Temporal Decoding of Persistent Pain Signal Processing in the Spinal Dorsal Horn:Application of Non-linear Dynamic Analytical Methods 11.Thalamo-Cortical System of Nociception in Animals Part Ⅱ Neuromodulation of Pathological Pain and Motor Dysfunctions 12.Physiopharmacological Aspects of Pathological Pain States 13.Novel Pharmacology for Control of Chronic Pain 14.The Roles of 5-HT1A Receptor in Modulating Spinal Nociceptive Transmission in Inflammatory Rats 15.Low- and High-Frequency Electroacupuncture:Difference in Neural Pathways and Therapeutic Effects 16.Restitution of Upper-Limb Movement Promoted with Functional Electrical Therapy(FET) 17.Intranasal Morphine for Pain Manangement Part Ⅲ Neuroimaging of Experimental Human Pain 18.Experimental Human Pain 19.EEG/MEC Brain Mapping of Human Pain 20.Principles of Human Pain Imaging with PET 21.The Application of Source Modelling to Functional Imaging of the Brain Based on EEG and MEG 22.Near-infrared Optical Imaging of the Human Brain...查看详细
☉ 《实用耳针穴位挂图(中英文对照)》
靳士英 等主编 人民卫生出版社 2002-3-1
根据人民卫生出版社的要求与委托,我们编绘了《实用耳针穴位挂图》及解说,为中英文对照,供学习耳针和医教研参考之用。为满足不同读者和不同场合的使用,挂图分对开本和大16开本两种版本印制,以供读者选用。 挂图共3张。包括国家标准耳穴定位(耳郭正面)、(耳郭背面)与国家标准耳穴分区(耳郭正面)、(耳郭背面)四图,以及耳郭解剖名称(正面)、(背面),耳郭标准点线的设定,耳郭标志线,耳郭的神经、血管(正面)、(背面)六图。这引起都是根据国家标准《耳穴名称与部位》GB-T 13734-92和人体解剖学教科书绘制,并引用了原图。大16开本挂图共10幅彩图,图的编排序同对开本挂图。 解说共分六章...查看详细

☉ 《实用血管外科学 英文影印版》
 科学出版社 2001-9-1...查看详细
☉ 《实用英文中医词典(英文原版)》
(英)魏〓杰(Nigel Wiseman)等著 人民卫生出版社 2002-12-1...查看详细
☉ 《实用针灸:英文》
☉ 《食管外科学(英文原版)》
(美)皮尔森 著 人民卫生出版社 2002-8-1
该书约2500字,共8篇68章,主要篇章有食管外科的发展史、食管疾病的诊断、先天性异常、食管疝及胃食管反流,神经肌障碍、创伤、肿瘤、手术技术等。相关篇章增加当前热门研究基础医学发展现状,是食管外科医生的必备参考书。读者对象:食管外科医生、消化外科医生。 Color Insert follows page xx. SECTION Ⅰ Introduction 1 The Historical Evolution of Esophageal Surgery 2 Anatomy,Embryology ,and Histology 3 Physiology SECTION Ⅱ Investigation of Esophageal Disease 4 Clinical Features 5 Imaging 6 Esophagoscopy 7 Function Tests SECTION Ⅲ Pediatric Disorders 8 Congenital Anomalies 9 Vascular Rings SECTION Ⅳ Hiatal Hernia,Gastroesophageal Reflux,and Other Conditioms 10 Pathophysiology of Hiatal Hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux 11 Medical Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 12 Indications for Surgical Rdferral for Hiatal Hernia and Gastroenterologist's Viewpoint 13 Indications for Hiatal Hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux:The Surgeon's Perspective 14 Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants and Children 15 Peptic Esophagitis,Stricture,and Short Esophagus 16 Massive (Paraesophageal)Hiatal Hernia 17 The Columnar-Lined Esophagus 18 Rings and Webs SURGICAL TECHNIQUES 19 Dilation of Peptic Esophageal Strictures 20 Open Nissen Fundoplication 21 Belsey Marke IV Repair 22 The Hill Repair 23 Dor and Toupet Repairs…… SECTION Ⅴ Neuromuscular Disorder SECTION Ⅵ Trauma SECTION Ⅶ Neoplasms SECTION Ⅷ Operative Techniques Index...查看详细
☉ 《手性中间体手册》
孙桂林 化学工业出版社 1900-1-1
(PREFACE) Chiral molecules are ubiquitous in nature and have ever-increasing inmportance in the pharmacertical,agrochemical,electronic,food,and flavor and fragrance industries.In recent years,several valuable texts have been published that cover in detail the various sources and methods of preparation for obtaining optically active materials. There has been a need, however,for a guide for workers in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries seeking information on chiral molecules, processes, and commercially available chiral chemicals. The goal of this book is to present the chemical professional with a comprehensive listing of available chiral cemicals including specific data of interest for each entry in the listing. Part l of the book,divided into four chapters,provides an introduction to topics relevant to the field of chiral chemistry and include a brief overview of chirality,a short discussion on the current market drivers in the area of chiral chemistry,and a basic presentation of the various sources and methods for obtaining chiral compounds. This book will provide an introduction to the types of sources and methods currentlyin use for obtaining chiral molecules and will prove to be an invaluable resource for information on available chiral molecules.The reader is encouraged to investigate other sources for more detailed information on the technology and processes utilized for identifying,isolationg,and preparing chiral molecules. (简介)本书原版由英国Ashgate Publishing Ltd.出版,与《手性药物手册》为姊妹篇,是极为全面和详尽的手性化合物手册。该书由两个部分组成。第1部分包括4章,分别对手性化合物相关的主题进行了论述,包括简要回顾了手性的概念及其发展,讨论了手性化合物领域目前市场的主流以及手性化合物的各种来源和获得的方法。第2部分介绍了超过4700个可购买获得的手性化合物。每个化合物条目下包括化学名、商品名列表、同系物;CAS注册号、EINESC号、默克索引(第12版)号;物理性质(包括特征旋光)、主要应用;化学结构;生产和供应厂商。同时本书还提供了功能强大的索引,包括CAS注册号索引、EINESC号索引、各称和同系物索引以及生产和供应厂商名录。...查看详细
☉ 《疼痛学(第4版,英文影印版)》
 科学出版社 1900-1-1...查看详细
☉ 《外科学(英文影印版)-现代外科实践的生物学基础(第15版.上下)》
 科学出版社 1999-9-1
☉ 《威廉姆斯血液病学(影印版)》
Ernest Beutler 等编著 人民卫生出版社 2001-8-1
Attempting to encompass adequately the new knowledge that has accrued in the past five years and at the same time produce a readable, single-volume work has been a great challenge to the editors. To accomplish this goal we decided to eliminate the section of the book pertaining to laboratory techniques. This part of the book had been a valuable feature since the First Edition and seemed to fill an important need. More than most medical specialties, hematology is laboratorybased, and having ready access to the required techniques is essential. When we published our first edition it was quite possible for a clinical trainee to take the book to the laboratory and to perform many of the studies that were needed to establish a diagnosis, sometimes, perhaps, with the aid of an experienced special hematology technician. The automation of laboratory procedures has dramatically diminished the role of trainees in performing assays, and while this trend has undoubtedly improved the reliability of the results, it has made it less important for trainees to have detailed information about the specifics of the assays. It does not, however, diminish our belief that trainees should know how the studies are performed and critically interpreted; therefore, we have included discussion of important elements of tests and their interpretation in the text of relevant chapters, In addition, we encourage trainees to consult other standard references or the manuals supplied by the instrument and assay manufacturers or the manuals supplied by the instrument and assay manufacturers for details that we may not have been able to include in this text. CONTRIBUTORS PREFACE SI UNIT CONVERSION TABLE PART 1 CLINICAL EVALUATION OF THE PATIENT CHAPTER 1 APPROACH TO THE PATIENT CHAPTER 2 EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD CHAPTER 3 EXAMINATION OF THE MARROW PART 2 GENERAL HEMATOLOGY CHAPTER 4 STRUCTURE OF THE MARROW AND THE THMATOPOLETIC MICROENVIRONMENT CHAPTER 5 THE LYMPHOID TISSUES CHAPTER 6 THE INLAMMATORY RESPONSE CHAPTER 7 HEMATOLOGY OF THE NEWBORN CHAPTER 8 HEMATOLOGY IN THE AGED PART 3 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR HEMATOLOGY PART 4 THERAPEUTIC PRINCIPLES PART 5 THE ERYTHROCYTE PART 6 NEUTROPHILS, EOSINOPHILS, BASOPHILS AND MAST CELLS PART 7 MONOCYTES AND MACROPHAGES PART 8 LYMPHOCYTES AND PLASMA CELLS PART 9 MALIGNANT DISEASES PART 10 HEMOSTASIS AND THROMBOSIS PART 11 TRANSFUSION MEDICINE INDEX...查看详细
☉ 《胃肠病学 风暴式医学教程 (原版英文)》
英. 科学出版社 2002-2-1
☉ 《胃肠道生理学(英文版)》
(美)约翰逊 著 人民卫生出版社 2002-9-1
1 Regulation:Peptides of the Gastrointestinal Tract Leonard R.Jobnson General CHaracteristics Discovery Distribution and Release Actions and Interactions Candidate Hormones Neurocrines Paracrines Clinical Applications Clinical Tests Summary Key Words and Concepts 2 Regulation:Nerves and Smooth Muscle Norman W.Weisbrodt Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System Neurohumoral Regulation Gastrointestinal Function Anatomy of the Smooth Muscle Cell Smooth Muscle Contraction Summary Key Words and Concepts 3 Swallowing Norman W.Weisbrodt Esophageal Peritalsis Receptive Relaxation of the Stomach Clinical Applications Clinical Tests Summary Key Words and Concepts 4 Gastric Emptying…… 5 Motiity of the Small Intestine 6 Motiity of the Large Intestine 7 Salivary Secretion 8 Gastric Secretion 9 Pancreatic Secretion 10 Bile Production Secretion and Storage 11 Digestion and Absorption 12 Fluid and Electrolyte Absorption 13 The Splanchnic Circulation Appendix Review Examination Answers...查看详细
☉ 《胃肠道系统:第二版(英文)》
SECOND EDITION,Datta,Mirpuri,Patel 著 上海世界图书出版公司 2003-9-1
本书首先引领你学习肾及泌尿系统的基础知识。每章都采用了整合形式,即将解剖学、胚胎学、组织学、生理学与药理学加以综合。然后概述了肾及泌尿系统的基本病理学,并列举一些主要疾病及其主诉。第二部分则通过对现有肾及泌尿系统主诉患者的临床分析,将基础知识与临床应用加以整合,包括肾及泌尿疾病最常见的主诉,如何采集病史、体检、与患者的沟通技巧及进一步的诊断方案。由选择题、简答题和问答题组成的第三部分则能让你在学完本课程以后估你取得的进步和你水平。 不要惊慌!快速医学教程——现在你终于拥有了梦寐以求的完美系列教程!你曾经因为熬夜而错过第二天的早课吗?你曾经因为谢入课堂的阳光而分散了注意力吗?如果你无法作一个完整的课堂笔记——现在有了快速医学教程...查看详细
☉ 《西方学术大师访谈录:英文版》
王逢振 主编 天津人民出版社 2003-1-1
本书选收了对一些著名学者、批评家和作家的采访。其中对萨伊德的采访是由著名学者、《批评探索》杂志主编汤姆·米彻进行的,涉及到视觉艺术和意识形态,这些访谈记录涉及到各个方面,包括文学、政治、民族、身份和意识形态。由于针对现时问题,所以具有明显的时代特征。简明扼要,贴切易懂。 本书为读者提供一些新的原始材料,使我们在了解国外文化研究现状的同时,提高英文水平。选收的是大量的访谈,内容涉及到很多方面。人文,艺术,经济,社会。 The Panic of the Visual: A Conversation with Edward W.Said An Interview with Fredric Jameson An Interview with Frank Lenzaburo An Convrsation with Oe Kenzaburo An Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak An Conversation with Geoffrey O'Brien On Poetry, Language,and Teaching: A Conversation with Charles Bernstein 媒体评论...查看详细
☉ 《希氏内科学精要(英文影印版)》
(美)安德里奥利 等著 北京医科大学出版社 2002-5-1
本书是国外经典的内科学教科书Cecil Textbook of Medicine (希氏内科学)的精华本。第5版为2001年最新版,由T.E.Andreoli等主编,涵盖了内科学的主要内容。与第4版相比,新增了分子生物学、循证医学及妇女保健的内容,扩充了肿瘤学的内容,其余的部分也都做了较大幅度的修订,这对于读者充分认识新世纪生命科学时代,掌握最新医学前沿新理论、新知识和新技术具有重要的意义。书中对医学生应该掌握的内科学重点内容进行了系统的列表总结,便于把握重点内容;大量的图表,尤其是直观、实用性强的病理生理、诊断、治疗图表的使用为临床诊断与治疗提供了速查依据。本书通俗易懂,并具有权威性;图文并茂...查看详细
☉ 《现代感染疾病诊断与治疗(英文原版)》
Walter R.Wilson 编著 人民卫生出版社 2001-11-1
The perfect reference for quickly answering day-to-day questions on infectious diseases in adults and children. Indispensable for students,residents,general and family practitoners,pediatricians,and infectious diease specialists. Inside:concise,authoritative,practical help with evaluation,treatment,and management of common infectious disease syndromes and conditions. Authors Preface 1 Introduction Ⅰ BASIC PRINCIPLES 2 Basic Principles of Host Defense 3 Basic Principles of Microbial Virlence 4 General Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy 5 Infection Prevention in Healthcare Settings 6 Laboratory Diagnosis Ⅱ CLINICAL SYNDROMES 7 Infections of the Central Nervous System 8 Infections of the Eye & Orbit 9 Upper Respiratiory Tract Infections 10 Tracheobronchitis & Lower Respiratory Tract Infections 11 Infective Endocarditis 12 Intra-Abdominal Infections 13 Skin & Soft-Tissue Infections 14 Osteomyelitis.Infectious Arthritis & Prosthetic-Joint Infection 15 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 16 Urinary Tract Infections 17 Sepsis Syndrome 18 Fever of Unknown Origin 19 Fever & Rash 20 Infectious Diarrhea…… Ⅲ SPECIAL PATIENT POPULATIONS Ⅳ VIRAL INFECTIONS Ⅴ BACTERIAL INFECTIONS Ⅵ PARASITIC INFECTIONS 7 MISCELLANEOUS INFECTIONS Index...查看详细
☉ 《现代骨科疾病诊断与治疗 英文原版》
Harry B.Skinner,MD,PhD 主编 人民卫生出版社 2000-10-1
Medicine is all ever-changing scienee.As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required.The authors and the publisher of this work have checked with sources believed to be reliable in their efforts to provide information that is complete and generally in accord with the standards accepted at the time of publlcafion.However...查看详细
☉ 《现代胃肠疾病诊断与治疗(英文原版)》
(美)弗里德(Friedman,S.L.) 编著 人民卫生出版社 2003-4-1
This easy-to-use,multipurpose resource is the ideal first stop for answers--for those in practice,on the wards,teaching,or preparing for boards.CURRENT DIAGNOSIS & Treatment in Gastroenterology offers brief but expert and up-to-date coverage of gastrointestinal,biliary,hepatic,and pancreatic diseases.With its consistent formatting chapter by chapter,this text makes it simple to locate the practical information you need on diagnosis,testing,disease processes,and up-to-date treatment and management strategies. CONCISE,ACCESSIBLE CLINICAL INFORMATION ON GASTROENTEROLOGY ▲Brings together the best in current recommendations from experts directly involved in patient care and clinical teaching ▲Provides single-source look-source look-ups of essential topics in diseases of the esophagus,stomach,small intestine,colon,rectum,pancreas,liver,and bile ducts ▲Emphasizes up-to-date,cost-effective diagnostic approaches and therapeutic strategies for the full range of gastroenterological problems ▲Serves as an easy-to-use,ready reference for gastroenterologists,surgeons,family physicians,and internists who see patients with GI complaints ▲Provides practical guidance on imaging studies,endoscopy,and treatment of pregnancy-related GI problems ▲Covers disease processes involving more than one organ,such as gastrointestinal bleeding,acute diarrhea, and AIDS ▲Discusses liver failure,the liver in systemic disease,and liver transplantation ▲Helps house officers and fellows care for patients and prepare for rounds and clinical conferences ▲Facilitates review--especially for those preparing for specialty exams or specialists wanting to update their knowledge Contributors Preface SectionⅠ.General Approach to Gastrointestinal Diseases 1.Approach to the Patient with Gastrointestinal Disorders 2.Aids & the Gastrointestinal Tract 3.Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding 4.Acute Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding 5.Occult Gastrointestinal Bleeding 6.Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders 7.Inflammatory Bowel Disease 8.Acute Diarrheal Diseases 9.Mesenteric Vascular Disease 10.Miscellaneous Diseases of the Peritoneum & Mesentery 11.Gastronitestinal Complications of Pregnancy 12.Nutritional Disorders & Their Treatment in Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract 13.Minimally Invasive Surgery for Gastrointestinal Diseases 14.Imaging Studies in Gastrointestinal & Liver Diseases 15.Endoscopic Management of Biliary & Pancreatic Diseases Section Ⅱ.Esophageal Diseases 16.Gastroesophageal Reflux & Its Complications 17.Esophageal Motility Disorders & Noncardiac Chest Pain 18.Esophageal Tumors 19.Miscellaneous Disorders of the Esophagus Section Ⅲ.Diseases of the Stomach & Small Intestine 20.Peptic Ulcer Disease 21.Dyspepsia & Nonulcer Dyspepsia 22.Motility Disorders of the Stomach & Small Intestine 23.Malabsorption Disorders 24.Tumors of the Stomach & Small Intestine 25.Miscellaneous Disorders of the Stomach & Small Intestine Section Ⅳ.Diseases of the colon & Rectum 26.Malignant & Premalignant Lesions of the Colon 27.Diverticular Disease of the Colon 28.Anorectal Diseases 29.Miscellaneous Diseases of the Colon Section Ⅴ.Diseases of the Pancreas 30.Acute Pancreatitis 31.Chronic Pancreatitis & Pancreatic Insufficiency 32.Tumors of the Pancreas Section Ⅵ.Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System 33.Approach to the Patient with Suspected Liver Disease 34.Acute Liver Failure 35.Viral Hepatitis 36.Chronic Nonviral Hepatitis 37.Infections of the Liver 38.Liver & Biliary Disease in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 39.Alcoholic Liver Disease 40.Iron Overload Diseases 41.Copper Overload Diseases 42.Hepatric Porphyrias 43.Complications of Chronic Liver Disease 44.Drug-Induced Liver Disease 45.The Liver in Systemic Disease 46.Mass Lesions & Neoplasia of the Liver 47.Liver Disease in Pregnancy 48.Pediatric Liver Disease 49.Hepatic Complications of Marrow & Stem Cell Transplantation 50.Gallstones 51.Premary Disease of the Bile Ducts 52.Tumors of the Ampulla & Bile Ducts 53.Cystic Diseases of the Bile Duct & Liver 54.Liver Transplantation Index...查看详细
☉ 《现代医学诊断与治疗 英文原版》
Lawrence M.Tierney,Jr.,MD 主编 人民卫生出版社 2000-9-1
Medicine is an ever.changing science.As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required.The editors and the publisher of this work have checked with sources believed to be reliable in their efforts to provide information that iS complete and generally in ac...查看详细
☉ 《现代营养学(原著第八版)》
(美)鲍曼(Bowman,B.a.),拉塞尔(Russel R.M.) 主编, 化学工业出版社 2004-10-1
本书为国际生命科学学会组织编写的《现代营养学》第八版。《现代营养学》自1953年出版以来,一直受到读者的关注,它全面、系统、及时地反映了营养学领域的研究进展。 本书第一部分以最新的观点介绍了营养学基础部分,如营养成分及其代谢机理等;第二部分介绍人体营养与疾病的关系;第三部分为国际营养学现状,对发展中国家与饮食相关的慢性疾病状况、食物短缺、饥饿和营养不良等情况进行了分析和评价;第四部分剖析了当前新暴露出的热点,探讨了食源性疾病和食品安全、食品生物技术在营养方面应注意的问题、生物技术加工食品的安全评估等,并运用人类基因组的新发现分析其对营养学研究可能产生的影响。 本书内容易理解、数据可靠...查看详细
☉ 《现代重症监护诊断与治疗 英文原版》
☉ 《心电图多选题解》
史训凡,杨天伦 主编 湖南科学技术出版社 2004-5-1
自心电图检测诊断技术问世以来,已被公认为医疗实施中一项极为重要的诊断手段。为了帮助心电图工作者及各层次医疗工作者、心内科医务人员更好地学习和掌握其诊断知识,提高执业医师和执业助理医师资格考试应试能力,我们特编此《心电图多选题解》。 本书共分20章,收集心电图多选题1467道,并附插图712幅,按A、B、C、X型题分类编排,每章后均附有参考答案及注解,以帮助读者在较短的时间内结合注解事业功倍地掌握心电图学关键内容,提高心电图的诊断水平及应试能力。 第一章 正常心电图 第二章 房室肥大 第三章 冠状动脉供血不足 第四章 心肌梗死 第五章 窦性心律与窦性心律失常 第六章 逸搏与逸搏心律 第七章 期前收缩 第八章 干扰与干扰性房室脱节 第九章 窦房传导阻滞与心房内传导阻滞 第十章 房室传导阻滞 第十一章 房室束支传导阻滞与房室分支阻滞 第十二章 心动过速 第十三章 扑动与颤动 第十四章 并行心律 第十五章 反复搏动 第十六章 心电综合征 第十七章 其他心脏疾病的心电图 第十八章 电解质紊乱对心电图的影响 第十九章 药物对心电图的影响 第二十章 心电图试验及其他...查看详细
☉ 《心律不齐备 影印版》
(美)卡托尔 著 人民卫生出版社 2002-8-1
HUSTIRT 1.A History of Cardiac Arrhythmias 2.Michel Mirowski and the Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator 3.Biographical Sketches SUP,WENTRICULAR TACHYARRHYTHAIAS 4.Atrial Fibrillation 5.Atrial Flutter 6.Atrial Tachycardia 7.Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia 8.Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia,Including Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndiome 9.Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia VENTRICULAR ARRHYFHMIAS 10.Accelerated Junctional and Idioventricular Rhythms 11.Ventricular Premature Beats 12.Ventricular Tachycardia 13.Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia,Including Torsades de Pointes,Long QT Syndrome,and Bidirectional Tachycardia 14.Ventricular Fibrillation BRADYARRHYTHMIAS 15.Atriovertricular Block 16.Sick Sinus Syndrome Index...查看详细

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