现在位置:医学图书 > 首页 > 医学图书 > 医学 > 影印版 原版 图书编号:27783
作者:(美)皮尔森 著
出版社:人民卫生出版社 出版日期:2002-8-1
ISBN:7117049421 定价:262元



    Color Insert follows page xx.

    SECTION Ⅰ Introduction

    1 The Historical Evolution of Esophageal Surgery

    2 Anatomy,Embryology ,and Histology

    3 Physiology

    SECTION Ⅱ Investigation of Esophageal Disease

    4 Clinical Features

    5 Imaging

    6 Esophagoscopy

    7 Function Tests

    SECTION Ⅲ Pediatric Disorders

    8 Congenital Anomalies

    9 Vascular Rings

    SECTION Ⅳ Hiatal Hernia,Gastroesophageal Reflux,and Other Conditioms

    10 Pathophysiology of Hiatal Hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux

    11 Medical Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

    12 Indications for Surgical Rdferral for Hiatal Hernia and Gastroenterologist's Viewpoint

    13 Indications for Hiatal Hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux:The Surgeon's Perspective

    14 Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants and Children

    15 Peptic Esophagitis,Stricture,and Short Esophagus

    16 Massive (Paraesophageal)Hiatal Hernia

    17 The Columnar-Lined Esophagus

    18 Rings and Webs


    19 Dilation of Peptic Esophageal Strictures

    20 Open Nissen Fundoplication

    21 Belsey Marke IV Repair

    22 The Hill Repair

    23 Dor and Toupet Repairs……

    SECTION Ⅴ Neuromuscular Disorder

    SECTION Ⅵ Trauma

    SECTION Ⅶ Neoplasms

    SECTION Ⅷ Operative Techniques
