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    Dark adaptation



    Scotopic vision




    Passive transport






    dorsal respiratory group



    Stroke work



    Inotropic action



    Chronotropic action



    Dromtropic action



    Specific compliance



    Inspiratoryreserve volume



    Expiratory reserve volume



    Incomplete tetanus



    Insensible perpiration






    Babinski’s sign



    Limbic system










    Bleeding time






    Supranormal period






    Overdrive suppression



    Initial length









    Thyroid stimulating hormone,TSH



    Thyrotropin-releaxing hormone,TRH



    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone,GnRH



    Corticotropin-releasing hormone,CRH










    Length-tension curve



    Long term memory



    Long-term potentiation



    filling period(phase)



    Filling pressure



    Laminar flow






    Tidal volume






    Enterogastric reflex






    Production of heat









    Afferent collateral inhibition









    Operate conditioned reflex













    Simple diffusion



    Single twitch



    Single-unit smooth muscle






    Electro-chemical potential



    Voltage-gated channel



    Voltage clamp



    Electrotonic propagation



    Electric synapse



    Second messenger



    Subnormal period



    Action potential



    Arterial blood pressure



    Atrerial pulse



    Arteriovenous anastomosis






    Isometric contraction



    Isotonic contraction



    Isovolumic systole



    Isovolumic diastole



    Multi-unit smooth muscle



    Committed progenitors



    Constant fraction reabsorption



    Compensatory pause






    End pressrure






    Bile salt



    Enterohepatic circulation of bile salt






    Muscarinic receptor



    Short term memory



    Protein kinase C,PKC




    Diacyl glycerol



    Carbon dioxide dissociation curve







    Rdflex arc



    Spike potential



    Atrioventricular delay



    Non-rhythmic cell



    Non-protein respiratory quotient,NPRQ



    Non-synaptic chemical transmission



    Nonspecific projection system



    Non-associative learning






    Pulmonary circulation



    Pulmonary ventilation



    Intrapulmonary pressure



    Alveolar surfactant



    Vital capacity



    Total lung capacity



    Alveolar ventilation



    Pulmonary diffusion capacity



    Pulmonary stretch reflex



    Abdominal breathing



    Ventral respiratory group



    Segmentation contraction



    Exergonic reaction



    Divergence principle









    Righting reflex



    Defense zone













    Coronary circulation



    Functional residual volume



    Tubuloglomerular feedback



    Light adaptation



    Sensory column



    Xensory aphasia



    Sensory area







    Chmically gated channel



    Chemoreceptor rdflex


















    Cross bridge



    Cross bridge attachment



    Sliding theory






    Buffer neerves









    Respiratory movement






    Pneumotaxic center



    Respiration calorimeter



    Respiratory quotient






    Recurrent inhibition






    Hippocmpal circuit



    Luteinizing hormone,LH



    (interstitial cell stimulating hormone,ICSH)


    Cyclic AMP,cAMP




    Secondary active transport



    Absolute refractory period






    Local excitation



    Local neuronal circuit



    Local circuit neuron


















    Muscle tonus



    Muscle spindle



    Colonystimulating factor,CSF



    Plasma cell






    Cross-match test



    Exchange vessel



    Reciprocal synapse



    Resting cardiac index



    Resting tension



    Venous return






    Kallikrein-kinin system






    Anatomical dead space



    Basic electrical rhythm



    Basal metabolic rate



    Basal metabolic rate






    Sham rage



    Direct calorimetry






    Reduced eye



    Convergence principle



    Spinal shock









    Thyroxine-binding globulin,TBG



    Parathyroid hormone,PTH










    Transmembrane signaling



    Transmembrane signal transduction



    Transmembrane reating potential



    Immediate-early gene



    Rapid ejection period(phase)



    Fast pain



    Spitial summation






    Antidiuretic hormone



    Sensible perspiration




    Tyrosine kinase receptor



    Quantal release












    Cold-sensitive neuron






    Filtration slit membrane



    Associative learning



    Split brain



    Follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH




    Patch clamp



    Stroke volume



    Minute work(heart)



    Minute volume(heart)



    Minute ventilation volume



    Pulse pressure



    Precapillary resistance



    Postcapillary resistance



    Precapillary sphincter






    Slow pain



    Slow wave sleep




    Internal environment



    Inintrinsic factor



    Intrinsic route



    Endothelium-derived relaxing factor(EDRF)



    Endothlium-derived vasoconstrictor factor(EDCF)






    Visceral pain



    Sodium pump



    Guanine nucleotide-binding protein(G-protein)



    Blood clotting factors


















    Mucus-bicarbonate barrier



    Brain ischemia response



    Cerbral circulation



    Cerebrospinal fluid






    Energy metabolism









    Retrograde amnesia














    Poiseuilli’s law



    Eupn(o)ea (quiet breathing)









    Micturition desire






    Skin temperature






    Corticosteroid-binding globulin,CBG



    Parapyramidal system






















    Decerebrate rigidity



    Decorticate rigidity






    “all or none”phenomenon



    Premature systole(extrasystole)



    Pacemaker current






    Airway resistance



    Gas eschange



    Diffusion rate of gas



    Glomerulotubular balance



    Aldosterone-induced protein









    Referred pain



    Stretch reflex



    Flexor reflex




    Human leudocyte antigen,HLA



    Human chorionic gonadotropin,HCG






    Capacitance vessel



    Volume receptor















    Thermal equivalent






    Warm-sensitive neuron



    Renshaw cell




    Upper motorneuron paralysis



    Ascenging inhibitory system


















    Inositol triphosphate












    Tempoal summation



    Timed vital capacity






    Blood transfusion









    Ejection fraction



    Ejection period(phase)









    Systolic pressure



    Diastolic pressure






    Vasodilator fiber






    Water diuresis



    Vasoconstrictor fiber



    Renin-angiotensin sysem



    Renal blood flow



    Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system



    Renal plasma flow



    Renin-angiotensig-aldosterone system









    Osmotic diuresis






    Anterograde ameesia



    Inspiratory capacity



    Physiological dead space



    Growth hormone release-inhibiting hormone GHRIH






    Growth hormone,GH






    Growth hormone releasing hormone,GHRH












    Esophageal-gastric sphincter






    Specific dynamic action



    Loss of heat



    Adequate stimulus






    Visual acuity


















    Visual field






    Dendrodendrtic inhibition



    Intrafusal fiber



    Extrafuxla fiber



















    Humoral regulation



    Body temperature



    Body surface area






    Ventlation-perfusion ratio



    Preferential channel






    Saltatory conduction



    Set point






    Conditioned reflex



    Carbonic angydrase



    Synaptic knob,synaptic bouton



    Presynaptic receptor



    Postsynaptic inhibition



    Presynaptic inhibition



    Specific projection system







    Complete tetanus



    Extrinsic route



    Peripheral resistance



    Peripheral venous pressure



    Peripheral chemoreceptor












    Microphonic potential









    Gastric empty



    Ascending reticular activating system



    Positional nystagmus







    Sex hormone-binding globulin,SHBG



    Androgen binding protein,ABP



    Signal system theory



    Effector enzyme



    Adenylate cyclase



    Intercellular channel









    Excitation-contraction coupling



    Excitatory postsynaptic potential



    Relative refractory period



    Rh system



    Blood volume









    Blood coagulation






    Blood flow



    Velocity of blood flow



    Blood flow



    Velocity of blood flow



    Bolld pressure






    Bolld-cerebrospinal fluid barrier






    Mean circulatory filling pressure






    Fibrinolytic system






    Cardiac cycle



    Atrial systole



    Myocardial contractility



    Cardiac reserve



    Ventricular function curve



    Ventricular systole



    Venrticular diastole



    Cardiac output



    Heart sound






    Cardiac index



    Myocardial work



    Cardiovascular center



    Atrial natriuretic peptide






    Inspiratory off-switch mechanism






    Endergonic reaction



    Eccrine gland



    Cerebellar ataxia



    Thoracic breathing



    Intrapulmonary pressure









    Theory of traveling wave



    Behavioral arousal



    Lower motorneuron paralysis



    Hypothalamus regulatory peptide,HRP




    Fluid massaic model



    Facilitated diffusion



    Facilitatory region


















    Effective refractory period



    Effective filtration pressure



    Baroreceptor reflex



    Forced breathing



    Residual volume



    Oxygen capacity



    Oxygen content



    Oxygen saturation



    Oxygen dissociation curve



    Thermal equivalent of oxygen



    Gastric inhibitory polypeptide(GIP)



    Inhibitory postsynaptic potential



    Suppressor region












    Hydrochloric acid















    Pencreatic amylase






    Migrating motility complex(MMC)






    Nicotinic receptor



    Trophic action



    Supplementary motor area



    α-motor neruon



    γ-motor neuron



    Motor area



    Notor column



    Motor aphasia



    Laterality,cerebral dominance



    Paradoxical sleep



    Evoked potential



    CAMP-deopendent protein kinase,cAMP-PK,PKA



    Permissive action







    Spontaneous depolarization






    Rhythmic cell



    Plasma membrane






    Active transport



    End-plate potential



    Hemopoitric stem cells



    Hematopoietic growth factor,HGF






    Central venous pressure



    Central chenoreceptor



    Central delay



    Force velocity relation curve



    Maximal repolarization potential



    Optimal length



    Optimal preload



    Resistance vessel



    Axial flow



    Axon reflex



    Axoplasmic transport,axoplaxmic flow



    Interstitial fluid






    Periodic breathing









    Macular densa



    Photopic vision



    Postural refelex



    Attitudinal reflex



    Paralysis agitans



    Pyramidal system



    Extrapyramidal system



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