现在位置:医学图书 > 100md首页 > 家庭教育 > 家教方法 > 素质教育 图书编号:22642161
出版社: 出版日期:2011/7/1
ISBN:22642161 定价: 32.80元







    在《小学生英文幽默故事》中,自然拼音与阅读被巧妙地结合在一起。林克妈妈精心撰写的60个英文幽默故事,每篇故事都针对一个特定字母或字母组合的发音。孩子们在开心读故事的同时,不但可以巩固在《英文三字经》中所学的自然拼音法则,还能在不知不觉中扩大词汇量并提高阅读能力。全书分10个单元,每个单元后面都配有可供孩子和家长共同参与的竞赛游戏,既增加了亲子学习的互动性,又提高了孩子学习英语的积极性,可谓寓教于乐,趣味横生。 作为《英文三字经》的姐妹篇,本书通过听录音、读故事、做习题、玩游戏等,全面培养了孩子必备的“自然拼音、单词拼写和听、说、读、写等各项能力。


    林克妈妈 少儿英语教育专家,曾从事高中和大学英语教研工作、研究英语教学法二十余年,担任外研社《汉英词典》第三版编委。




    Unit 1 元音字母a,e,i,o,u的发音规则

    第一单元 神奇的果园

    Lesson One a [?] A Cat’s Foreign Language老鼠的外语

    Lesson Two a [ei] It Is Part of theGame这是游戏的一部分

    Lesson Three e [e] The Best Present最好的礼物

    Lesson Four i [i] I Have His Ear in MyPocket他的耳朵还在我衣兜里呢

    Lesson Five i [ai] My Dog Doesn’tBite我的狗不咬人

    Lesson Six o [?] I Was Not Lost. 我没有迷路

    Lesson Seven o [?u] I Broke ThemAll我把它们都敲破了

    Lesson Eight u [?] A Man with a Gun持枪男人

    Lesson Nine u [ju:] Just Use aPencil就用铅笔吧

    快乐总复习Who picks more apples? 谁摘到更多的苹果?

    第二单元 开心农场

    ar er ir or ur

    Lesson Ten ar [ɑ:] A SmartAnswer聪明的回答

    Lesson Eleven er [?] I’m the Driver我是司机

    Lesson Twelve ir [?:] A Bedtime Story aboutBirds关于鸟的睡前故事

    Lesson Thirteen or [?:] A Bad SchoolReport差的成绩单

    Lesson Fourteen ur [?:] The Nurse Should Give Me SomeMoney护士应该给我钱

    快乐总复习Who lays more eggs? 谁下的蛋多?

    第三单元 奇妙的泡泡

    oa oi oo ouow

    Lesson Fifteen oa [?u] A Different Roast EveryDay每天的烤肉都不同

    Lesson Sixteen oi [?i] A Noisy Girl and FiveHundred Ducks一个吵闹的女孩和500只鸭子

    Lesson Seventeen oo [u] A Lazy Brook懒惰的布鲁克

    Lesson Eighteen oo [u:] She Is a Fool她是傻瓜

    Lesson Nineteen ou [au] Other Moms Also Want toBe Proud 其他妈妈也想骄傲

    Lesson Twenty ow [?u] Follow theFlies跟着苍蝇走

    Lesson Twenty-One ow[au] It’s Raining Now. 正在下雨呢

    快乐总复习 Who blows more bubbles? 谁吹的泡泡多?

    第四单元 美丽的项链

    ee ie ue ea ai aw

    Lesson Twenty-Two ee[i:] That’s Why I Keep the BiggerOne那就是我为什么要留大些的

    Lesson Twenty-Three ie[i:]. Take This Piece and Cut It intoTwo拿走这块,然后切成两块

    Lesson Twenty-Four ue[u:] Who Put Glue on MyChair谁把胶水弄到我的椅子上

    Lesson Twenty-Five ea[i:] Before a Meal Or After aMeal饭前还是饭后

    Lesson Twenty-Six ea[e] Hit on the Head with aCake 用蛋糕打头

    Lesson Twenty-Seven ai[ei] Did She Miss theTrain她误火车了吗

    Lesson Twenty-Eight aw [?:] To Draw Out All HisSavings去取出他的全部存款

    快乐总复习Who makes a longer pearl necklace? 谁做的珍珠项链长?

    第五单元 采蘑菇

    y ay ey oy

    Lesson Twenty-Nine y [i] Who Is Lazy谁偷懒

    Lesson Thirty y [ai] But My TeacherCried可我的老师哭了

    Lesson Thrity-One ay [ei]. You Can’t Say No to theTeacher你不能对老师说“不”

    Lesson Thirty-Two ey[i] A Good Way to Ask forMoney要钱的好方法

    Lesson Thirty-Three oy [?i] Little Roy’s NewTrousers小罗伊的新裤子

    快乐总复习 Who picks more mushroom? 谁采到更多的蘑菇?

    第六单元 魔力气球

    are air ire ear eer

    Lesson Thirty-Four are [??] He Scared Patients Out of MyOffice他把病人从我诊所里吓跑了

    Lesson Thirty-Five air [??] So Little Hair and So MuchHair 这么少和这么多的头发

    Lesson Thirty-Six ire[ai?] Your House Is on Fire你的房子着火了

    Lesson thirty-Seven ear [i?]/[ ?? ] Feeding the Tellerwith a Pear用梨喂出纳员

    Lesson Thirty-Eight eer [i?] There Is Only OneDeer只有一只梅花鹿

    快乐总复习 Who can fly? 谁能飞起来?

    第七单元 垂钓者的乐园

    c ck ch tch

    Lesson Thirty-Nine c + a/e/ i/o/u [k]/[s] Only One Cake Left只剩下一个蛋糕了

    Lesson Forty c在结尾 [k] A Magic Stove神奇的炉灶

    Lesson Forty-One ck [k] One More Ticket再来一张票

    Lesson Forty-Two ch/tch [t?] Watching TV with a Candleon点着蜡烛看电视

    快乐总复习Who gets more fish? 谁能钓到更多的鱼?

    第八单元 省钱小能手

    n nk ng ing

    Lesson Forty-Three n [n] Bring Me the Winner我要赢者

    Lesson Forty-Four nk[?k] Why Do You Drink So MuchWater弥补

    Lesson Forty-Five ng [?] A Father with LongHair长发爸爸

    Lesson Forty-Six ing [i?] Shake It to Ring摇一下就会响

    快乐总复习Who gets more lollipops with less money? 谁花钱少,买的棒棒糖多?

    第九单元 妙手园丁

    x l r dr tr

    Lesson Forty-Seven x [ks] A TextMessage手机短信

    Lesson Forty-Eight l[l] Wake Up. Time forSleeping Pills. 醒醒,该吃安眠药了

    Lesson Forty-Nine r [r] Sorry I Don’t Want to BuyThem对不起,我不想买了

    Lesson Fifty dr [ dr] Our Driver Is VeryPoor我们的司机很穷

    Lesson Fifty-One tr [tr] Having Trouble SeeingThings看不清东西

    快乐总复习Who saves more flowers?谁救活了更多的花儿?

    第十单元 妙手抛球

    ge/dge gh/ ph sh th s+清辅音 igh qu tw

    Lesson Fifty-Two ge/dge [d?] I Change MyMind我改主意了

    Lesson Fifty-Three gh/ph [f] It’s Not Enough, Either.那也不够呀

    Lesson Fifty-Four sh[?] Who Broke the Dishes?谁把盘子摔破了

    Lesson Fifty-Five th [θ] Your Face and Mouth Tell MeThat你的脸和嘴告诉我的

    Lesson Fifty-Six th [?] Another More再来一个

    Lesson Fifty-Seven s +k/p/t [sg/sb/sd] I Thought YouCalled Another Student一个历史问题

    Lesson Fifty-Eight igh [ai] He Was Too Busy LastNight他昨晚很忙

    Lesson Fifty-Nine qu [qw] Who Can Answer My FirstQuestion谁能回答我第一个问题

    Lesson Sixty tw [tw] Twice Twenty二十的两倍

    快乐总复习Who can throw up more balls?谁能抛起更多的球?




    在这一单元里,我们将学习a, e, i, o, u这5个元音字母的发音规律。



    Lesson One a [?] A Cat’s Foreign Language


    rat老鼠 fat肥胖的cat猫


    The mother rat and her babies are playing in the garden. A fat catis coming to catch them for dinner.

    The mother rat and her babies try to run away. But the baby ratscan’t run very fast. The cat is getting closer and closer.Suddenly, the mother rat stops running and turns around. She shoutsat the cat like an angry dog, “Woof, woof, woof.” The cat is afraidand runs away.

    The mother rat turns to her babies, and says, “You see howimportant it is to learn a foreign language.”

    注解:foreign外国的language语言 catch them for dinner抓它们当晚餐

    get closer and closer(变得)越来越近 woof(狗叫声)汪汪



    ( )1. A fat cat is coming to catch the rats for dinner.

    ( )2. The mother rat and baby rats try to run away.

    ( )3. The baby rat shouts like an angry dog.

    ( )4. The mother rat and baby rats get help from a dog.

    ( )5. The cat is not afraid and does not runaway. (afraid害怕的)






    答案:1. T 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. F

    Lesson Two a [ei] It Is Part of the Game

    ? 写一写

    plate盘子wake醒来 late迟到的

    ? 读一读

    Mom is washing plates in the kitchen. Kate and her brother Dave areplaying games in the living room. Kate is making a lot of noise.Mom says, “Kate, why do you yell and scream so much? You’re goingto wake up your grandma. Please play quietly like Dave. See, hedoesn’t make a sound. ”

    “Of course, he doesn’t. Mom, it’s part of the game we are playing.He is daddy coming home late, and I’m you.”

    注解:game游戏 make noise吵闹yell叫喊

    scream尖叫 wake up 吵醒,醒来



    ( )1. Kate and Dave are playing games in the livingroom.

    ( )2. Mom asks Kate why she is so quiet.

    ( )3. Dave doesn’t make a sound.

    ( )4. Dave is “daddy coming home late” .

    ( )5. Kate is “her mom” .





    答案:1. T 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. T
