现在位置:医学图书 > 读物 > 医学 > 药学 > 药学理论 图书编号:42573
作者:(英)康斯特布尔(Constable,S.) 等著
出版社:北京大学医学出版社 出版日期:2008-1-1
ISBN:9787810715386 定价:49.90元








    Master Medicine丛书是一套医学生专业课双语教学的核心教材,每个科目都包括本学科的核心内容,并附有多种形式的自我测试题及其答案和解析。本套丛书同时也是医学生各专业学科复习备考的理想用书。


    Using this book

    1.Basic principles

    2.The autonomic nervous system

    3. Drugs in cardiovascular disease1:prevention

    4.Drugs in cardiovascular disease 2:treatment

    5.Drugs and the blood

    6.Drugs used in CNSdisease


    8.Drugs used in anaesthesia

    9.Drugs for arthritis

    10.Respiratory disorders and hypersensitivity

    11.Drugs and the gastrointestinal system

    12.Drugs for endocrine and metabolic disorders


    14.Chemotherapy for fungi,viruses and protozoa

    15.Anticancer chemotherapy

    16.Drugs and the skin

    17.Drug overdose and poisoning

    18.Substance dependency and abuse

    19.Drug in pregnancy,breastfeeding,children and the elderly

    20.Effects of disease state on drug response

    21.Adverse drug reactions and drug interactions

    22.New drugs and clinical trials





