现在位置:医学图书 > 100md首页 > 医学 > 临床医学 > 内科学 图书编号:20099779
作者:(美)安德里奥利 等主编
出版社:北京大学医学出版社 出版日期:2008/1/1
ISBN:9787810716123 定价: 208.00元


    本书是国外经典的内科学教科书Cecil Textbook of Medicine(希氏内科学)精华本,第7版为2007年最新版。全书以图解和示意图的形式对临床内科学的要点和难点进行了深度解析,并注重临床信息与影像信息相结合,配以大量精美影像图片和临床图片,使读者能快速理解和掌握临床内科学的核心内容,迅速提高理论运用于医学实践的能力。与上一版相比,新版本包含更多内容……







    Charles C.J. Carpenter, Professor of Medicine at Brown University, was one of the founding Editors of Cecil Essentials of Medicine. He was also one of the major contributors articulating the concept that the founding Editors and all subsequent Editors have adhered to, namely, to provide a concise readable textbook for students of medicine of all ages. This Seventh Edition of Cecil Essentials, now titled Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine, will be Chuck's last effort with Essentials, and so the Editors, with great delight, are privileged to honor him, not only by naming the title of the book permanently in his name, but also in dedicating this Edition of Essentials to Chuck Carpenter.

    Chuck is a remarkably splendid human being. His photograph defines precisely the nature of the man: a gentle man, a gentleman, implacably warm and generous in spirit and behavior.

    As an academician, Chuck has excelled. He trained in Internal Medicine at Johns Hopkins where he served as Chief Resident for the late A. McGehee Harvey. Subsequently, he became Chair of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University, 1973-1986. For excellence as a Chair, he will receive, in 2007, the Robert H. Williams Distinguished Chair of Medicine Award conferred by the Association of American Physicians. Chuck then became Professor of Medicine at Brown University, 1986-present. He is currently Director of the Brown Center for AIDS Research.

    Chuck's academic career includes far more contributions than one can list in this dedication. But some major themes warrant particular consideration.

    In his early faculty years, he worked on fluid and electrolyte balance, and was among the first to identify angiotensin II as the principal stimulator to aldosterone secretion.

    He made seminal contributions to understanding the pathophysiology of cholera and cholera-like syndromes in clinical and experimental studies which contributed to the development of oral rehydration therapy for secretory diarrheas in developing countries, most notably in the Indian Subcontinent.

    Almost immediately following the appearance of AIDS, Chuck involved himself heavily, both experimentally and clinically, in the diagnosis and treatment of AIDS and in humane care for patients afflicted with AIDS. About 20 years ago, he developed a unique program in which Brown University faculty assumed the care for all persons living with HIV/AIDS in the Rhode Island prison system.

    Chuck is an exceptional teacher recognized, among other ways, by the Distinguished Teacher Award from the American College of Physicians. He is a superb clinician versed in all aspects of Internal Medicine. He has therefore been honored as a Master of the American College of Physicians, and has received more encomia than virtually anyone in academic medicine.

    It has been my genuine privilege to work with Chuck Carpenter, a dear friend. I know I speak for all of the Editors when I say that we will miss you, Chuck, and that replacing you with an individual having your assets and talents will be a singularly difficult task.


    Sectien Ⅰ Introduction to Molecular Medicine

    Lead AuthorIvor J. Benjamin, M.D.

    Professor of Medicine

    Christi T. Smith Chair for Cardiovascular Research

    Chief, Division of Cardiology

    University of Utah School of Medicine

    Salt Lake City, Utah


    Section Ⅱ: Evidence-Based Medkine

    Lead AuthorSusan S. Beland, M.D.

    Associate Professor of Internal Medicine

    Director, Division of General Internal Medicine

    University of Arkansas College of Medicine

    Little Rock, Arkansas


    ContributorSara G. Tariq, M.D.

    Assistant Professor of Medicine

    Division of General Internal Medicine

    University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

    Little Rock, Arkansas


    Section Ⅲ: Cardiovascular Disease

    Lead AuthorIvor J. Benjamin, M.D.

    Professor of Medicine

    Christi T. Smith Chair for Cardiovascular Research

    Chief, Division of Cardiology

    University of Utah School of Medicine

    Salt Lake City, Utah


    ContributorsDavid A. Bull, M.D.


    Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

    University of Utah School of Medicine

    Salt Lake City, Utah


    Saurabh Gupta, M.D.

    Division of Cardiology

    University of Utah School of Medicine

    Salt Lake City, Utah


    Mohamed H. Hamdan, M.D.

    Associate Chief, Division of Cardiology

    Professor of Internal Medicine

    Division of Cardiology

    University of Utah Health Sciences Center

    Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Resear

    Training Institute

    University of Utah

    Salt Lake City, Utah


    L. David Hillis, M.D.

    Professor and Vice Chair

    James M. Wooten Chair in Cardiology

    Department of Internal Medicine

    University of Texas Southwestern Medical C,Dallas, Texas


    Richard A. Lange, M.D.

    E. Cowles Andrus Professor of Cardiology

    Chief, Clinical Cardiology

    Department of Medicine-Cardiology

    Johns Hopkins University

    School of Medicine

    Baltimore, Maryland


    Dean Y. Li, M.D., Ph.D.

    Associate Professor of Internal Medicine

    University of Utah School of Medicine

    Director, Vascular Biotherapeutics Center

    University of Utah

    Salt Lake City, Utah

    dean.li@hhmbh, utah. edu

    Sheldon E. Litwin, M.D.

    Professor of Internal Medicine

    Director of Cardiac Imaging

    Division of Cardiology

    University of Utah

    Salt Lake City, Utah



    Section Ⅳ Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

    Section Ⅴ Renal Disease

    Section Ⅵ Gastrointestinal Diseas

    Section Ⅶ Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System

    Section Ⅷ Hematologic Disease

    Section Ⅸ Oncologic Disease

    Section Ⅹ Metabolic Disease

    Section Ⅺ Endocrine Disease

    Section ⅪⅠ Women's Health

    Section ⅪⅡ Men's Health

    Section ⅩⅣ Diseases of Bone and Bone Mineral Metabolism

    Section ⅩⅤ Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disease

    Section ⅩⅥ Infectious Disease

    Section ⅩⅦ Bioterrorism

    Section ⅩⅦⅠ Neurologic Disease

    Section ⅩⅨ The Aging Patient

    Section ⅩⅩ Substance Abuse