现在位置:医学图书 > 100md首页 > 医学 > 基础医学 图书编号:20077348
作者:(美)杜雷克,(加)沃格,(英)米切尔 著
出版社:北京大学医学出版社 出版日期:2006/1/1
ISBN:9787810718554 定价: 258.00元




    Editorial advisory board



    About the book

    1 Anatomy and imaging

    What is anatomy?

    How can gross anatomy be studied?

    Important anatomical terms

    The anatomical position

    Anatomical planes

    Terms to describe location


    Diagnostic imaging techniques

    Plain radiography


    Doppler ultrasound

    Computed tomography

    Magnetic resonance imaging

    Nuclear medicine imaging

    Positron emission tomography

    Image interpretation

    Plain radiography

    Chest radiograph

    Abdominal radiograph

    Gastrointestinal contrast examinations

    Urological contrast studies

    Computed tomography

    Magnetic resonance imaging

    Nuclear medicine imaging

    Safety in imaging

    2 Back

    Conceptual overview

    General description




    Protection of the central and peripheral nervous systems

    Component parts


    A typical vertebra


    Vertebral canal

    Spinal nerves

    Dermatomes and myotomes

    Relationship to other regions


    Thorax, abdomen, and pelvis


    Key features

    Long vertebral column and short spinal cord

    Intervertebral foramina and spinal nerves

    Innervation of the back

    Regional anatomy

    Skeletal framework


    Typical vertebra

    Cervical vertebrae

    Thoracic vertebrae

    Lumbar vertebrae



    Intervertebral foramina

    Posterior spaces between vertebral arches


    Synovial joints

    Descriptions of synovial joints based on shape and movement


    3 Thorax

    4 Abdomen

    5 Pelvis and perineum

    6 Lower limb

    7 Upper limb

    8 Head and neck
