现在位置:医学图书 > 首页 > 医学图书 > 医学 > 临床医学 > 外科学 图书编号:29994
作者:陈孝平 等主编
出版社:人民卫生出版社 出版日期:2006-10-1
ISBN:711707678X 定价:98元

    《Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery》是一部经典外科学著作,为医学本科生和受培训外科医师必读的基本教材。该系列教材内容综合、全面,几乎覆盖了外科所有的领域;语言凝练、明快,布局层次分明、图文并茂,极富阅读性,书中配有大量(1000余幅)的临床彩色与黑白图片、临床精要、学习要点,使读者易于阅读、理解与掌握。该教材可供全国高等学校或医药院校八年制(或七年制)医学生和研究生及青年外科医生使用。




    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter 2 Diagnostic and interventional radiology

    Chapter 3 Preparing a patient for surgery

    Chapter 4 Anaesthesia and pain management

    Chapter 5 Acute life support and critical care: fluid,electrolyte and acid-base balance and blood transfusion

    Chapter 6 Nutrition

    Chapter 7 Wounds, tissue repair and scars

    Chapter 8 Basic surgical skills and anastomoses

    Chapter 9 Principles of laparoscopic surgery

    Chapter l0 Wound infection

    Chapter 11 Sterile precautions and theatre safety

    Chapter 12 Parasitic infections

    Chapter 13 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

    Chapter 14 Transplantation

    Chapter 15 Cysts, ulcers and sinuses

    Chapter 16 Principles of oncology

    Chapter 17 Day surgery

    Chapter 18 An approach to surgical audit

    Chapter 19 Clinical trials and statistics

    Chapter 20 Surgical ethics

    Chapter 21 Plastic and reconstructive surgery

    Chapter 22 Burns

    Chapter 23 Accident and emergency surgery

    Chapter 24 Warfare injuries

    Chapter 25 Postoperative care

